|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129166) sid(28751) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8158-20230701005123) [v2] docs: freebsd: Update to 20.11
2023-06-30 17:12 UTC
|WARNING| pw129168 [PATCH v2 2/2] test: add additional tests for thash library
2023-06-30 17:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129169 [PATCH] fib: fix adding a default route
2023-06-30 17:11 UTC (3+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw129167 [PATCH v2 1/2] hash: fix reading unaligned bits implementation
2023-06-30 17:09 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129166) sid(28751) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8158)[v2] docs: freebsd: Update to 20.11
2023-06-30 17:02 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129043) sid(28683) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8093-20230628164124) test/crypto: fix PDCP-SDAP test vectors
2023-06-30 16:50 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129166 [PATCH v2] docs: freebsd: Update to 20.11
2023-06-30 16:43 UTC (3+ messages)
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129028) sid(28671) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8081-20230628135453) [v2] doc: fix missing release note for I219 support
2023-06-30 16:13 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129026) sid(28669) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8080-20230628134301) [v10] app/dma-perf: introduce dma-perf application
2023-06-30 15:36 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129086) sid(28698) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8109-20230629034649) test/ipsec: fix TAP default MAC address
2023-06-30 15:00 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129128 [PATCH] doc: fix missing release note for Intel 4
2023-06-30 14:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129165 [PATCH] app/testpmd: fix the rule number parsing
2023-06-30 14:39 UTC (4+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw129128 [PATCH] doc: fix missing release note for Intel 4
2023-06-30 14:31 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129127 [PATCH] doc: fix missing release note for NTB Sap
2023-06-30 14:26 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129085) sid(28697) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8108-20230629033454) test: add additional tests for thash library
2023-06-30 14:23 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129127 [PATCH] doc: fix missing release note for NTB Sap
2023-06-30 14:22 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129164 [PATCH] net/mlx5: reduce the counter pool name length
2023-06-30 14:19 UTC (4+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw129127 [PATCH] doc: fix missing release note for NTB Sap
2023-06-30 14:12 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129163 [PATCH] net/mlx5: fix the profile check of meter mark
2023-06-30 13:59 UTC (4+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw129162 [PATCH] common/mlx5: fix obtaining IB device in LAG mode
2023-06-30 13:59 UTC (4+ messages)
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129165) sid(28750) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8157-20230630213747) app/testpmd: fix the rule number parsing
2023-06-30 13:58 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129127 [PATCH] doc: fix missing release note for NTB Sap
2023-06-30 13:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129127 [PATCH] doc: fix missing release note for NTB Sap
2023-06-30 13:51 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129165) sid(28750) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8157)app/testpmd: fix the rule number parsing
2023-06-30 13:49 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129164) sid(28749) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8156-20230630212203) net/mlx5: reduce the counter pool name length
2023-06-30 13:47 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129084) sid(28696) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8107-20230629032128) hash: fix reading unaligned bits implementation
2023-06-30 13:46 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 13:46 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 13:41 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129164) sid(28749) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8156)net/mlx5: reduce the counter pool name length
2023-06-30 13:37 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129163) sid(28748) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8155-20230630210636) net/mlx5: fix the profile check of meter mark
2023-06-30 13:31 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 13:31 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 13:27 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129163) sid(28748) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8155)net/mlx5: fix the profile check of meter mark
2023-06-30 13:21 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129162) sid(28747) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8154-20230630205122) common/mlx5: fix obtaining IB device in LAG mode
2023-06-30 13:16 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 13:11 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129058) sid(28692) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8103-20230628224717) [v1] examples/fips_validation: fix digest length in AES GCM
2023-06-30 13:09 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129126 [PATCH] [v8] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-06-30 13:06 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129162) sid(28747) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8154)common/mlx5: fix obtaining IB device in LAG mode
2023-06-30 13:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129126 [PATCH] [v8] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-06-30 12:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129126 [PATCH] [v8] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-06-30 12:51 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129126 [PATCH] [v8] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-06-30 12:46 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129161 [PATCH v1] crypto/qat: fix struct alignment
2023-06-30 12:39 UTC (4+ messages)
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129057) sid(28691) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8102-20230628220511) [v2] usertools: add tool to generate balanced rss traffic flows
2023-06-30 12:33 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129126 [PATCH] [v8] hash: add XOR32 hash function
2023-06-30 12:30 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 065ef12d641b1da9c27cbc6bc41a66bcd8eecc90
2023-06-30 12:25 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 065ef12d641b1da9c27cbc6bc41a66bcd8eecc90
2023-06-30 12:21 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 065ef12d641b1da9c27cbc6bc41a66bcd8eecc90
2023-06-30 12:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 065ef12d641b1da9c27cbc6bc41a66bcd8eecc90
2023-06-30 12:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129158 [PATCH v2] net/idpf: refine dev_link_update function
2023-06-30 11:59 UTC (4+ messages)
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129056) sid(28690) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8101-20230628215232) doc: announce change for building deprecated libraries
2023-06-30 11:57 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129161) sid(28746) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8153-20230630193621) [v1] crypto/qat: fix struct alignment
2023-06-30 11:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 065ef12d641b1da9c27cbc6bc41a66bcd8eecc90
2023-06-30 11:50 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129161) sid(28746) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8153)[v1] crypto/qat: fix struct alignment
2023-06-30 11:47 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129125 [PATCH] net/mlx5: share QUOTA indirect action
2023-06-30 11:45 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129125 [PATCH] net/mlx5: share QUOTA indirect action
2023-06-30 11:40 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129158) sid(28743) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8150-20230630191917) [v2] net/idpf: refine dev_link_update function
2023-06-30 11:39 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129157 [PATCH v2] net/idpf: fix error path processing
2023-06-30 11:39 UTC (4+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw129156 [PATCH v2] net/idpf: refine vport parameter string
2023-06-30 11:39 UTC (4+ messages)
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 11:39 UTC
compilation|WARNING| pw(129160) sid(28745) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8152)[v3] net/mlx5: fix the error in VLAN actions creation
2023-06-30 11:34 UTC
compilation|WARNING| pw(129159) sid(28744) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8151)[v2] net/mlx5: fix the error in VLAN actions creation
2023-06-30 11:32 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129158) sid(28743) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8150)[v2] net/idpf: refine dev_link_update function
2023-06-30 11:30 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129157) sid(28742) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8149-20230630190730) [v2] net/idpf: fix error path processing
2023-06-30 11:28 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 11:25 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 11:23 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 11:22 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 11:21 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129051) sid(28687) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8097-20230628202712) eal: fix file descriptor leakage with unhandled messages
2023-06-30 11:21 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 11:20 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129155 [PATCH v2] net/mlx5: fix the error set for age pool initialization
2023-06-30 11:19 UTC (4+ messages)
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129157) sid(28742) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8149)[v2] net/idpf: fix error path processing
2023-06-30 11:19 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129156) sid(28741) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8148-20230630185536) [v2] net/idpf: refine vport parameter string
2023-06-30 11:16 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 11:15 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 11:15 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129125 [PATCH] net/mlx5: share QUOTA indirect action
2023-06-30 11:13 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129156) sid(28741) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8148)[v2] net/idpf: refine vport parameter string
2023-06-30 11:07 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129155) sid(28740) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8147-20230630183631) [v2] net/mlx5: fix the error set for age pool initialization
2023-06-30 11:05 UTC
|WARNING| pw129160 [PATCH v3] net/mlx5: fix the error in VLAN actions creation
2023-06-30 11:03 UTC (2+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw129125 [PATCH] net/mlx5: share QUOTA indirect action
2023-06-30 11:03 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129155) sid(28740) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8147)[v2] net/mlx5: fix the error set for age pool initialization
2023-06-30 10:55 UTC
|WARNING| pw129159 [PATCH v2] net/mlx5: fix the error in VLAN actions creation
2023-06-30 10:53 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(129154) sid(28739) job(DTS_AUTO_2698) [V1] framework/qemu_libvirt: fix python3 SyntaxWarning
2023-06-30 10:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129125 [PATCH] net/mlx5: share QUOTA indirect action
2023-06-30 10:47 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129047-129050) sid(28686) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8096-20230628191651) [v3, 4/4] doc: add mlx5 datapath tracing feature description
2023-06-30 10:45 UTC
|SUCCESS| dpdk-next-net| fb6aeb4e6f| Intel-compilation
2023-06-30 10:43 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129119-129124 [PATCH] [v6,6/6] eal: add option to put ti
2023-06-30 10:43 UTC
|SUCCESS | dpdk-next-net|2adf24b7f7| Intel-Testing
2023-06-30 10:40 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129151 [PATCH v2] net/mlx5: fix the return value of vport action
2023-06-30 10:39 UTC (4+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw129119-129124 [PATCH] [v6,6/6] eal: add option to put ti
2023-06-30 10:32 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129119-129124 [PATCH] [v6,6/6] eal: add option to put ti
2023-06-30 10:27 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129119-129124 [PATCH] [v6,6/6] eal: add option to put ti
2023-06-30 10:23 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129149 [PATCH v2] net/mlx5: fix the error set in Tx representor tagging
2023-06-30 10:19 UTC (4+ messages)
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(129154) sid(28739) job(DTS_AUTO_2698) [V1] framework/qemu_libvirt: fix python3 SyntaxWarning
2023-06-30 10:19 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129151) sid(28736) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8144-20230630174844) [v2] net/mlx5: fix the return value of vport action
2023-06-30 10:18 UTC
[dts-test-report] |SUCCESS| pw(129154) sid(28739) job(DTS_AUTO_2698) [V1] framework/qemu_libvirt: fix python3 SyntaxWarning
2023-06-30 10:17 UTC
|SUCCESS| dpdk-next-net| 2adf24b7f7| Intel-compilation
2023-06-30 10:13 UTC
|SUCCESS | dpdk-next-net|0bf1ebd4eb| Intel-Testing
2023-06-30 10:10 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129044) sid(28684) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8094-20230628172140) [v2] raw/ntb: add check for disabling interrupt in dev close ops
2023-06-30 10:08 UTC
compilation|WARNING| pw(129153) sid(28738) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8146)[v3] net/mlx5: fix the error set in control tables create
2023-06-30 10:07 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129119-129124 [PATCH] [v6,6/6] eal: add option to put ti
2023-06-30 10:07 UTC
compilation|WARNING| pw(129152) sid(28737) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8145)[v2] net/mlx5: fix the error set in control tables create
2023-06-30 10:06 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129151) sid(28736) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8144)[v2] net/mlx5: fix the return value of vport action
2023-06-30 10:04 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 10:02 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 9:58 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129150) sid(28735) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8143-20230630173701) [v2] net/txgbe: fix blocking system events
2023-06-30 9:57 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129150) sid(28735) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8143)[v2] net/txgbe: fix blocking system events
2023-06-30 9:48 UTC
|WARNING| pw129153 [PATCH v3] net/mlx5: fix the error set in control tables create
2023-06-30 9:48 UTC (2+ messages)
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129149) sid(28734) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8142-20230630172126) [v2] net/mlx5: fix the error set in Tx representor tagging
2023-06-30 9:46 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 9:42 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129148 [PATCH] drivers/ipsec_mb: fix aesni_mb set session ID
2023-06-30 9:39 UTC (4+ messages)
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129149) sid(28734) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8142)[v2] net/mlx5: fix the error set in Tx representor tagging
2023-06-30 9:36 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129041) sid(28681) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8091-20230628153318) doc: update release notes for Intel IPU
2023-06-30 9:32 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 9:32 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 93a4b3beba4ee611685148917981f846427cafb2
2023-06-30 9:27 UTC
|WARNING| pw129152 [PATCH v2] net/mlx5: fix the error set in control tables create
2023-06-30 9:26 UTC (2+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw129092 [PATCH] [v2] pci: add O_CLOEXEC when open uio dev
2023-06-30 9:22 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129150 [PATCH v2] net/txgbe: fix blocking system events
2023-06-30 9:21 UTC (3+ messages)
|SUCCESS| dpdk-next-net-intel| 95d1323996| Intel-compilation
2023-06-30 9:13 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129092 [PATCH] [v2] pci: add O_CLOEXEC when open uio dev
2023-06-30 9:12 UTC
|SUCCESS | dpdk-next-net-intel|c87d227e9f| Intel-Testing
2023-06-30 9:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129092 [PATCH] [v2] pci: add O_CLOEXEC when open uio dev
2023-06-30 9:07 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129148) sid(28733) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8141-20230630164125) drivers/ipsec_mb: fix aesni_mb set session ID
2023-06-30 9:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129092 [PATCH] [v2] pci: add O_CLOEXEC when open uio dev
2023-06-30 9:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129147 [PATCH v1] net/mlx5: support symmetric RSS hash function
2023-06-30 8:59 UTC (4+ messages)
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129036-129037) sid(28679) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8089-20230628150558) [2/2] bus/pci: add IO port region check before region map
2023-06-30 8:56 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129148) sid(28733) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8141)drivers/ipsec_mb: fix aesni_mb set session ID
2023-06-30 8:54 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129147) sid(28732) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8140-20230630162314) [v1] net/mlx5: support symmetric RSS hash function
2023-06-30 8:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129092 [PATCH] [v2] pci: add O_CLOEXEC when open uio dev
2023-06-30 8:47 UTC
|SUCCESS| dpdk-next-net-intel| c87d227e9f| Intel-compilation
2023-06-30 8:46 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129099-129103 [PATCH] [5/5] net/mlx5/hws: support defaul
2023-06-30 8:42 UTC
|SUCCESS | dpdk-next-net-intel|54ef1dc9b0| Intel-Testing
2023-06-30 8:40 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129147) sid(28732) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8140)[v1] net/mlx5: support symmetric RSS hash function
2023-06-30 8:37 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129099-129103 [PATCH] [5/5] net/mlx5/hws: support defaul
2023-06-30 8:37 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129099-129103 [PATCH] [5/5] net/mlx5/hws: support defaul
2023-06-30 8:33 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129143-129146) sid(28731) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8139-20230630161129) [3/3] doc: fix wrong number of spaces in hns3 guide
2023-06-30 8:32 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129099-129103 [PATCH] [5/5] net/mlx5/hws: support defaul
2023-06-30 8:23 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129146) sid(28731) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8139)[3/3] doc: fix wrong number of spaces in hns3 guide
2023-06-30 8:23 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129142) sid(28730) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8138-20230630155643) net/mlx5: support symmetric RSS hash function
2023-06-30 8:21 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(129035) sid(28678) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8088-20230628145359) doc: fix missing release note for link support
2023-06-30 8:20 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129141 [PATCH] vhost: add notify reply ops to avoid message deadlock
2023-06-30 8:19 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129140 [PATCH] vhost: add notify reply ops to avoid message deadlock
2023-06-30 8:19 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129142) sid(28730) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8138)net/mlx5: support symmetric RSS hash function
2023-06-30 8:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129099-129103 [PATCH] [5/5] net/mlx5/hws: support defaul
2023-06-30 8:06 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129141) sid(28729) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8137-20230630154505) vhost: add notify reply ops to avoid message deadlock
2023-06-30 8:05 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129106-129107 [PATCH] [v6,2/2] build: select optional li
2023-06-30 8:02 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(129141) sid(28729) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8137)vhost: add notify reply ops to avoid message deadlock
2023-06-30 7:56 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(129140) sid(28728) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD8136-20230630153310) vhost: add notify reply ops to avoid message deadlock
2023-06-30 7:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129106-129107 [PATCH] [v6,2/2] build: select optional li
2023-06-30 7:52 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129106-129107 [PATCH] [v6,2/2] build: select optional li
2023-06-30 7:47 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw129143-129146 [PATCH 3/3] doc: fix wrong number of spaces in hns3 guide
2023-06-30 7:40 UTC (2+ messages)
page: next (older) | prev (newer) | latest
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for how to clone and mirror all data and code used for this inbox;
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