|SUCCESS| pw143603-143605 [PATCH] [3/3] examples/ptpclient: add freq
2024-09-05 9:17 UTC (70+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw143585-143592 [PATCH] [v3,8/8] devtools: add script to g
2024-09-05 9:16 UTC (4+ messages)
|PENDING| [GIT MASTER] 06a1fb9ff4917b3f5c842b6351e8f28d9d7ec23a
2024-09-05 9:16 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:15 UTC
|PENDING| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:15 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143600-143602 [PATCH] [3/3] eal: mark rte_memzone_max_ge
2024-09-05 9:15 UTC (19+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw143593 [PATCH] [v1,1/1] usertools: add DPDK build direct
2024-09-05 9:14 UTC (2+ messages)
|SUCCESS| pw143584 [PATCH] [RFC] devtools/test-meson-builds: use cro
2024-09-05 9:14 UTC (9+ messages)
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 06a1fb9ff4917b3f5c842b6351e8f28d9d7ec23a
2024-09-05 9:13 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] ff4d4839f9c2a6d05dca0a25ed6b1549402e1682
2024-09-05 9:12 UTC
|PENDING| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:10 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:10 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:10 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:10 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] ff4d4839f9c2a6d05dca0a25ed6b1549402e1682
2024-09-05 9:10 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:07 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 06a1fb9ff4917b3f5c842b6351e8f28d9d7ec23a
2024-09-05 9:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 06a1fb9ff4917b3f5c842b6351e8f28d9d7ec23a
2024-09-05 9:06 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(143627-143637) sid(32903) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13033-20240905155625) [11/11] crypto/cnxk: add PMD API to get qp stats
2024-09-05 9:05 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] ff4d4839f9c2a6d05dca0a25ed6b1549402e1682
2024-09-05 9:04 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 06a1fb9ff4917b3f5c842b6351e8f28d9d7ec23a
2024-09-05 9:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] ff4d4839f9c2a6d05dca0a25ed6b1549402e1682
2024-09-05 9:02 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 06a1fb9ff4917b3f5c842b6351e8f28d9d7ec23a
2024-09-05 9:02 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] ff4d4839f9c2a6d05dca0a25ed6b1549402e1682
2024-09-05 9:02 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:01 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 06a1fb9ff4917b3f5c842b6351e8f28d9d7ec23a
2024-09-05 9:00 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 9:00 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 8:58 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] ff4d4839f9c2a6d05dca0a25ed6b1549402e1682
2024-09-05 8:57 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143594 [PATCH] [v1,1/1] dts: add send_packets to test su
2024-09-05 8:49 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143630-143635 [PATCH 11/11] crypto/cnxk: add PMD API to get qp stats
2024-09-05 8:44 UTC (4+ messages)
` |SUCCESS| pw143635 "
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 8:43 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 8:40 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 8:40 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 8:38 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 8:38 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(143626) sid(32902) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13032-20240905152149) net/hns3: dump queue head and tail pointer info
2024-09-05 8:34 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 8:31 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 06a1fb9ff4917b3f5c842b6351e8f28d9d7ec23a
2024-09-05 8:30 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 8:24 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(143627-143637) sid(32903) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13033-20240905155625) [11/11] crypto/cnxk: add PMD API to get qp stats
2024-09-05 8:20 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 8:17 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(143635) sid(32903) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13033)[11/11] crypto/cnxk: add PMD API to get qp stats
2024-09-05 8:10 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143626 [PATCH] net/hns3: dump queue head and tail pointer info
2024-09-05 8:04 UTC (4+ messages)
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(143622-143625) sid(32901) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13031-20240905150625) [4/4] dmadev: clean code for verify parameter
2024-09-05 8:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143630 [PATCH 01/11] crypto/cnxk: align passthrough data for SM ciphers
2024-09-05 7:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143627 [PATCH 02/11] crypto/cnxk: add multi segment support for Rx inject
2024-09-05 7:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143628 [PATCH 03/11] common/cnxk: ensure CPTR is 128B aligned
2024-09-05 7:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143629 [PATCH 04/11] common/cnxk: rearrange to remove hole
2024-09-05 7:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143631 [PATCH 05/11] common/cnxk: remove abort from flush API
2024-09-05 7:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143632 [PATCH 06/11] common/cnxk: move algo enums to common
2024-09-05 7:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143633 [PATCH 07/11] crypto/cnxk: use opaque pointer for PMD APIs
2024-09-05 7:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143636 [PATCH 08/11] crypto/cnxk: add PMD API for getting CPTR
2024-09-05 7:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143637 [PATCH 09/11] crypto/cnxk: add PMD API to flush CTX
2024-09-05 7:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143634 [PATCH 10/11] crypto/cnxk: add CPTR read and write
2024-09-05 7:48 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] e8eb14e00d56027bef8569d68cf00e39670edca2
2024-09-05 7:46 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(143626) sid(32902) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13032-20240905152149) net/hns3: dump queue head and tail pointer info
2024-09-05 7:45 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143622-143625 [PATCH 4/4] dmadev: clean code for verify parameter
2024-09-05 7:44 UTC (4+ messages)
` |SUCCESS| pw143625 "
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(143626) sid(32902) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13032)net/hns3: dump queue head and tail pointer info
2024-09-05 7:36 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(143614-143621) sid(32900) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13030-20240905144625) [RESEND, v6, 8/8] net/hns3: support filter registers by module names
2024-09-05 7:32 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(143622-143625) sid(32901) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13031-20240905150625) [4/4] dmadev: clean code for verify parameter
2024-09-05 7:31 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143616-143620 [RESEND v6 8/8] net/hns3: support filter registers by module names
2024-09-05 7:24 UTC (4+ messages)
` |SUCCESS| pw143620 "
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(143625) sid(32901) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13031)[4/4] dmadev: clean code for verify parameter
2024-09-05 7:21 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(143614-143621) sid(32900) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13030-20240905144625) [RESEND, v6, 8/8] net/hns3: support filter registers by module names
2024-09-05 7:11 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(143620) sid(32900) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13030)[RESEND, v6, 8/8] net/hns3: support filter registers by module names
2024-09-05 7:01 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143622 [PATCH 1/4] ethdev: verify queue ID when Tx done cleanup
2024-09-05 6:58 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143623 [PATCH 2/4] net/hns3: verify reset type from firmware
2024-09-05 6:57 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143624 [PATCH 3/4] dmadev: fix potential null pointer access
2024-09-05 6:57 UTC
|WARNING| pw143616 [RESEND v6 1/8] ethdev: support report register names and filter
2024-09-05 6:39 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143615 [RESEND v6 2/8] ethdev: add telemetry cmd for registers
2024-09-05 6:39 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143614 [RESEND v6 3/8] net/hns3: remove some basic address dump
2024-09-05 6:39 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143617 [RESEND v6 4/8] net/hns3: fix dump counter of registers
2024-09-05 6:39 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143619 [RESEND v6 5/8] net/hns3: remove separators between register module
2024-09-05 6:39 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143618 [RESEND v6 6/8] net/hns3: refactor register dump
2024-09-05 6:39 UTC
|WARNING| pw143621 [RESEND v6 7/8] net/hns3: support report names of registers
2024-09-05 6:39 UTC
compilation|WARNING| pw(143613) sid(32899) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD13029)[8/8] net/nfp: fix representor port link status update problem
2024-09-05 6:33 UTC
|WARNING| pw143606-143613 [PATCH 1/8] net/nfp: fix incorrect type declaration of some variables
2024-09-05 6:27 UTC (2+ messages)
` |SUCCESS| pw143606 "
|SUCCESS| pw143607 [PATCH 2/8] net/nfp: add help function to check link speed
2024-09-05 6:27 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143608 [PATCH 3/8] net/nfp: add help function to update VF link speed
2024-09-05 6:27 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143609 [PATCH 4/8] net/nfp: rename PF speed update function
2024-09-05 6:27 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143610 [PATCH 5/8] net/nfp: add new data field into representor port structure
2024-09-05 6:27 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143611 [PATCH 6/8] net/nfp: fix representor port link speed update problem
2024-09-05 6:27 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143612 [PATCH 7/8] net/nfp: standardize the use of port index in some functions
2024-09-05 6:26 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw143613 [PATCH 8/8] net/nfp: fix representor port link status update problem
2024-09-05 6:26 UTC
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