|SUCCESS| pw152516-152517 [PATCH 2/2] common/cnxk: defragment MCAM bank during allocation
2025-03-21 17:08 UTC (45+ messages)
` |SUCCESS| pw152517 "
` |SUCCESS| pw152517 [dpdk-dev] "
` |SUCCESS| pw152516-152517 [PATCH] [2/2] common/cnxk: defragment MCAM
|SUCCESS| pw152521-152522 [PATCH v2 2/2] net/mlx5: enhance log file path
2025-03-21 16:49 UTC (12+ messages)
` |SUCCESS| pw152522 "
` |PENDING| pw152521-152522 [PATCH] [v2,2/2] net/mlx5: enhance log fil
|SUCCESS| pw152518-152520 [PATCH 3/3] net/cnxk: update IP header of reassembled packets
2025-03-21 16:47 UTC (27+ messages)
` |SUCCESS| pw152520 "
` |SUCCESS| pw152518-152520 [PATCH] [3/3] net/cnxk: update IP header o
` |FAILURE| pw152520 [PATCH 3/3] net/cnxk: update IP header of reassembled packets
` |PENDING| pw152518-152520 [PATCH] [3/3] net/cnxk: update IP header o
|SUCCESS| pw152499-152500 [PATCH] [2/2] app/dma-perf: fix infinite l
2025-03-21 15:43 UTC (19+ messages)
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(152521-152522) sid(34897) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15290-20250321213632) [v2, 2/2] net/mlx5: enhance log file path
2025-03-21 14:25 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(152521-152522) sid(34897) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15290-20250321213632) [v2, 2/2] net/mlx5: enhance log file path
2025-03-21 14:06 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(152522) sid(34897) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15290)[v2, 2/2] net/mlx5: enhance log file path
2025-03-21 13:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152501-152514 [PATCH v6 14/14] net/zxdh: optimize msg processing ops and modify some issues
2025-03-21 13:49 UTC (25+ messages)
` |WARNING| pw152514 "
` |SUCCESS| pw152501-152514 [PATCH] [v6,14/14] net/zxdh: optimize msg
` |SUCCESS| pw152514 [PATCH v6 14/14] net/zxdh: optimize msg processing ops and modify some issues
|SUCCESS| pw152521 [PATCH v2 1/2] net/mlx5: enhance socket file path
2025-03-21 13:28 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 11:49 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(152518-152520) sid(34896) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15289-20250321181413) [3/3] net/cnxk: update IP header of reassembled packets
2025-03-21 11:17 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152515 [PATCH V1] doc: add tested Intel platforms with Intel NICs
2025-03-21 11:08 UTC (4+ messages)
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 11:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 10:56 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 10:49 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(152518-152520) sid(34896) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15289-20250321181413) [3/3] net/cnxk: update IP header of reassembled packets
2025-03-21 10:45 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(152516-152517) sid(34895) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15288-20250321175631) [2/2] common/cnxk: defragment MCAM bank during allocation
2025-03-21 10:45 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(152520) sid(34896) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15289)[3/3] net/cnxk: update IP header of reassembled packets
2025-03-21 10:32 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(152516-152517) sid(34895) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15288-20250321175631) [2/2] common/cnxk: defragment MCAM bank during allocation
2025-03-21 10:26 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] c66daa12e76d7b4912cfb7109a761856a7a873ab
2025-03-21 10:25 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(152517) sid(34895) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15288)[2/2] common/cnxk: defragment MCAM bank during allocation
2025-03-21 10:13 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(152515) sid(34894) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15287-20250321172131) [V1] doc: add tested Intel platforms with Intel NICs
2025-03-21 10:10 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152518 [PATCH 1/3] common/cnxk: update steer rule mbox for cn20k
2025-03-21 10:05 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152519 [PATCH 2/3] common/cnxk: update cn20k part numbers
2025-03-21 10:05 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(152515) sid(34894) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15287-20250321172131) [V1] doc: add tested Intel platforms with Intel NICs
2025-03-21 9:51 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152516 [PATCH 1/2] common/cnxk: support fragmented flags in KPU profile
2025-03-21 9:48 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(152515) sid(34894) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15287)[V1] doc: add tested Intel platforms with Intel NICs
2025-03-21 9:38 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 9:28 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 1deef2b44df879279ce965ee2565aef409a6d153
2025-03-21 9:19 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 1deef2b44df879279ce965ee2565aef409a6d153
2025-03-21 9:18 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 1deef2b44df879279ce965ee2565aef409a6d153
2025-03-21 9:15 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] c66daa12e76d7b4912cfb7109a761856a7a873ab
2025-03-21 9:11 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 9:06 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 8:55 UTC
|WARNING| [GIT MASTER] 780d76eb1e14c75249a5ec8df89eab8b4c5a5e3f
2025-03-21 8:50 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(152501-152514) sid(34893) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15286-20250321155627) [v6, 14/14] net/zxdh: optimize msg processing ops and modify some issues
2025-03-21 8:45 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 1deef2b44df879279ce965ee2565aef409a6d153
2025-03-21 8:41 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 780d76eb1e14c75249a5ec8df89eab8b4c5a5e3f
2025-03-21 8:38 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 1deef2b44df879279ce965ee2565aef409a6d153
2025-03-21 8:28 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(152501-152514) sid(34893) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15286-20250321155627) [v6, 14/14] net/zxdh: optimize msg processing ops and modify some issues
2025-03-21 8:26 UTC
|PENDING| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 8:14 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(152514) sid(34893) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15286)[v6, 14/14] net/zxdh: optimize msg processing ops and modify some issues
2025-03-21 8:13 UTC
|WARNING| [GIT MASTER] 780d76eb1e14c75249a5ec8df89eab8b4c5a5e3f
2025-03-21 8:10 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] c66daa12e76d7b4912cfb7109a761856a7a873ab
2025-03-21 8:08 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 8:05 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(152499-152500) sid(34892) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15285-20250321145927) [2/2] app/dma-perf: fix infinite loop
2025-03-21 8:03 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 7:58 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152510 [PATCH v6 09/14] net/zxdh: implement tables initialization
2025-03-21 7:54 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152513 [PATCH v6 10/14] net/zxdh: support hash tables write and delete ops
2025-03-21 7:54 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152512 [PATCH v6 11/14] net/zxdh: get hash table entry result
2025-03-21 7:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152509 [PATCH v6 12/14] net/zxdh: delete all hash entries
2025-03-21 7:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152511 [PATCH v6 13/14] net/zxdh: add acl tables ops
2025-03-21 7:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 7:53 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 7:52 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152501 [PATCH v6 01/14] net/zxdh: add network processor registers ops
2025-03-21 7:51 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152503 [PATCH v6 02/14] net/zxdh: support compatibility check
2025-03-21 7:50 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152507 [PATCH v6 03/14] net/zxdh: add agent channel
2025-03-21 7:50 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152502 [PATCH v6 04/14] net/zxdh: modify dtb queue ops
2025-03-21 7:50 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152505 [PATCH v6 05/14] net/zxdh: add tables dump address ops
2025-03-21 7:50 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152504 [PATCH v6 06/14] net/zxdh: add eram tables ops
2025-03-21 7:49 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152506 [PATCH v6 07/14] net/zxdh: get flow tables resources
2025-03-21 7:49 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 7:49 UTC
|SUCCESS| pw152508 [PATCH v6 08/14] net/zxdh: support hash resources configuration
2025-03-21 7:49 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 7:44 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] 780d76eb1e14c75249a5ec8df89eab8b4c5a5e3f
2025-03-21 7:43 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 7:40 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 7:37 UTC
|Smoke |SUCCESS| pw(152498) sid(34891) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15284-20250321144145) [v3, 1/1] net/af_packet: register supported param fanout mode
2025-03-21 7:31 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(152499-152500) sid(34892) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15285-20250321145927) [2/2] app/dma-perf: fix infinite loop
2025-03-21 7:29 UTC
|SUCCESS| [GIT MASTER] b74d4c59858d7c4a0c8bbc46792226e6ef102688
2025-03-21 7:29 UTC
|FAILURE| [GIT MASTER] 780d76eb1e14c75249a5ec8df89eab8b4c5a5e3f
2025-03-21 7:23 UTC
|PENDING| [GIT MASTER] 1deef2b44df879279ce965ee2565aef409a6d153
2025-03-21 7:23 UTC
compilation|SUCCESS| pw(152500) sid(34892) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15285)[2/2] app/dma-perf: fix infinite loop
2025-03-21 7:17 UTC
|Testing |SUCCESS| pw(152498) sid(34891) job(PER_PATCH_BUILD15284-20250321144145) [v3, 1/1] net/af_packet: register supported param fanout mode
2025-03-21 7:12 UTC
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