[PATCH] framework: fix umount ahead of mount
2022-12-26 5:26 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V2] tests/loopback_multi_paths_port_restart: optimize the script to be consistent with test plan
2022-12-26 5:25 UTC (2+ messages)
[DTS][PATCH V3 2/2] test_plans/vf_offload: format packet organization of previous cases into a table
2022-12-26 5:25 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V5 1/2] tests/meson_tests: modify meson_tests suite to support test config parameter
2022-12-26 5:18 UTC (3+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V5 2/2] conf/meson_tests: "
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/kni: removed suit from DPDK 22.11
2022-12-26 5:16 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1] test_plans/tso: update testplan, map the test case command
2022-12-26 5:11 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH V5 0/3] ice PF enable buffer split
2022-12-26 5:09 UTC (7+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V5 1/3] test_plans/index: add new test plan for ice_buffer_split
` [dts][PATCH V5 2/3] test_plans/ice_buffer_split: ice PF enable buffer split
` [dts][PATCH V5 3/3] tests/ice_buffer_split: "
[PATCH V3 0/3] add ice_iavf_flow_subscribe
2022-12-26 5:07 UTC (5+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V3 1/3] test_plans/index.rst: add ice_iavf_flow_subscribe test plan
` [dts] [PATCH V3 2/3] test_plans/ice_iavf_flow_subscribe: add a testplan to test ice iavf flow subscribe
` [dts] [PATCH V3 3/3] tests/ice_iavf_flow_subscribe: add a suite "
[dts][PATCH V2] pmd/checksum_checking: supplement the test plan
2022-12-26 5:01 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH V4 2/2] tests/loopback_virtio_user_server_mode_dsa: add new testsuite
2022-12-26 5:00 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1 2/2] tests/dpdk_gro_lib_cbdma: modify dmas parameter by DPDK chaneged
2022-12-26 4:59 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V3 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_user_dsa: add new testsuite
2022-12-26 4:57 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V5 2/2] tests/basic_4k_pages_dsa: add new testsuite
2022-12-26 4:56 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V4 2/2] tests/basic_4k_pages_cbdma: modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-26 4:56 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V3 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_user_cbdma: modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-26 4:56 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V4 2/2] tests/loopback_virtio_user_server_mode_cbdma: modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-26 4:55 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V3 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf_cbdma: modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-26 4:54 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V3 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_pmd_cbdma: modify the dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-26 4:54 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V3 3/3] conf/vhost_cbdma: modify the suite config by case changed
2022-12-26 4:54 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH V7 3/3] tests/vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma: add new testsuite
2022-12-26 4:52 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V3 2/2] tests/pvp_vhost_user_reconnect: split packed ring cases
2022-12-26 4:51 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1 2/2] tests/pvp_qemu_multi_paths_port_restart: optimization testsuite
2022-12-26 4:50 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1 4/4] conf/vhost_dsa: add vhost_dsa testsuite config file
2022-12-26 4:50 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V2 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_pmd_dsa: add new testsuite
2022-12-26 4:49 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V2] test_plans/virtio_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma_test_plan: fix testcase2&4 issue
2022-12-26 4:49 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1] test_plans/vhost_event_idx_interrupt_test_plan: fix lcore index error
2022-12-26 4:48 UTC (3+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1 2/2] tests/vm2vm_virtio_pmd: modify testcase name sync with testplan
2022-12-26 4:46 UTC (2+ messages)
[DTS][PATCH V6 0/5] add vf checksum offload and tso case for tunnel packets
2022-12-26 4:41 UTC (9+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V6 1/5] tests/vf_offload: fix 2 typos and a bug
` [DTS][PATCH V6 2/5] tests/vf_offload: add vf checksum hw offload case for tunneling packets
` [DTS][PATCH V6 3/5] tests/vf_offload: add vf tso "
` [DTS][PATCH V6 4/5] tests/vf_offload: add new method to anayse tunnel packets
` [DTS][PATCH V6 5/5] tests/vf_offload: fix and improve unstable implementations
[dts][PATCH V3 1/2] test_plans/pvp_vhost_user_reconnect: optimization testplan
2022-12-26 2:32 UTC
[dts][PATCH V3 0/2] optimization testplan and split packed ring
2022-12-26 2:32 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 1/2] test_plans/pvp_qemu_multi_paths_port_restart: optimization testplan
2022-12-26 2:21 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 0/2] optimization testplan
2022-12-26 2:21 UTC
[dts][PATCH V2] optimization pvp_qemu_multi_paths_port_restart testplan and testsuite
2022-12-26 2:03 UTC
[DTS][PATCH V2 0/3] add packets count, super-long packets and random payload to the case
2022-12-26 1:54 UTC (5+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V2 1/3] test_plans/vf_offload: fix wrong example packets
` [DTS][PATCH V2 2/3] test_plans/vf_offload: add packets count, super-long packets and random payload to the case
` [DTS][PATCH V2 3/3] tests/vf_offload: implement packets count, super-long packet and random payload
[dts][PATCH V2 2/2] tests/pvp_vhost_user_reconnect: split the packed ring cases
2022-12-26 1:34 UTC
[dts][PATCH V2 1/2] test_plans/pvp_vhost_user_reconnect_test_plan: adjust testplan's format
2022-12-26 1:33 UTC
[dts][PATCH V2 0/2] adjust testplan's format and split packed
2022-12-26 1:33 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/loopback multi paths port restart: optimize the script to be consistent with test plan
2022-12-23 8:10 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1] optimization pvp_qemu_multi_paths_port_restart testplan and testsuite
2022-12-23 7:35 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 2/2] tests/pvp_vhost_user_reconnect: split the packed ring cases
2022-12-23 5:47 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 1/2] test_plans/pvp_vhost_user_reconnect_test_plan: adjust testplan's format
2022-12-23 5:47 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 0/2] adjust testplan's format and split
2022-12-23 5:47 UTC
[DTS][PATCH V5 0/4] add vf checksum offload and tso case for tunnel packets
2022-12-23 3:22 UTC (5+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V5 1/4] tests/vf_offload: fix 2 typos and a bug
` [DTS][PATCH V5 2/4] tests/vf_offload: add vf checksum hw offload case for tunneling packets
` [DTS][PATCH V5 3/4] tests/vf_offload: add vf tso "
` [DTS][PATCH V5 4/4] tests/vf_offload: add new method to anayse tunnel packets
[dts][PATCH V1 3/4] tests/vhost_dsa: add new testsuite
2022-12-23 3:12 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 2/4] test_plans/vhost_dsa_test_plan: add new testplan
2022-12-23 3:11 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 1/4] test_plans/index: add vhost_dsa_test_plan
2022-12-23 3:11 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 0/4] add vhost_dsa testplan and testsuite
2022-12-23 3:11 UTC
[dts][PATCH V7 2/3] test_plans/vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma_test_plan: add new testplan
2022-12-23 2:28 UTC
[dts][PATCH V7 1/3] test_plans/index: add vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma
2022-12-23 2:28 UTC
[dts][PATCH V7 0/3] add vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma
2022-12-23 2:28 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 1/2] test_plans/dpdk_gro_lib_cbdma_test_plan: modify dmas parameter by DPDK chaneged
2022-12-23 2:14 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 0/2] modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-23 2:14 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 1/8] test_plans/ddp_gtp_qregion: remove --pkt-filter-mode sync dpdk change
2022-12-22 12:00 UTC (10+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V1 2/8] tests/ddp_gtp_qregion: "
` [dts][PATCH V1 3/8] test_plans/ddp_l2tpv3: "
` [dts][PATCH V1 4/8] tests/ddp_l2tpv3: "
` [dts][PATCH V1 5/8] test_plans/ddp_ppp_l2tp: "
` [dts][PATCH V1 6/8] tests/ddp_ppp_l2tp: "
` [dts][PATCH V1 7/8] test_plans/rss_to_rte_flow: "
` [dts][PATCH V1 8/8] tests/rss_to_rte_flow: "
[DTS][PATCH V4 0/5] add vf checksum offload and tso case for tunnel packets
2022-12-22 9:37 UTC (6+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V4 1/5] tests/vf_offload: fix 2 typos and a bug
` [DTS][PATCH V4 2/5] tests/vf_offload: add vf checksum hw offload case for tunneling packets
` [DTS][PATCH V4 3/5] tests/vf_offload: add vf tso "
` [DTS][PATCH V4 4/5] tests/vf_offload: dts adaptation DPDK checksum function changes
` [DTS][PATCH V4 5/5] tests/vf_offload: add new method to anayse tunnel packets
[dts][PATCH V2] tests/*: use the same qemu config to start VM
2022-12-22 8:59 UTC (2+ messages)
[DTS][PATCH V5 0/3] add ice_dcf_disable_acl_filter
2022-12-22 8:56 UTC (4+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V5 3/3] test_plans/ice_dcf_disable_acl_filter: add ice_dcf_disable_acl_filter test plan
[dts][PATCH v1] tests/ice_advanced_rss:fix packets location error
2022-12-22 8:53 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V2 1/2] framework/test_case: add skip_unsupported_host_driver decorator
2022-12-22 8:51 UTC (4+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V2 2/2] tests/TestSuite_*: skip igb_uio cases
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/ice_iavf_fdir: optimize scripts
2022-12-22 8:46 UTC (3+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V2 1/2] test_plans/generic_flow_api: remove --pkt-filter-mode sync dpdk change
2022-12-22 8:45 UTC (4+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V2 2/2] tests/generic_flow_api: "
[dts] [PATCH V1 1/2] tests/ice_fdir: optimize scripts
2022-12-22 8:32 UTC (3+ messages)
` [dts] [PATCH V1 2/2] tests/ice_limit_value_test: "
[dts][PATCH V1] test_plans/vm2vm_virtio_pmd: fix testplan issue
2022-12-22 8:30 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V1] test_plans/vm2vm_virtio_user_test_plan: fix testplan issue
2022-12-22 8:28 UTC (2+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V7] framework/qemu_kvm: pin VM's threads to vhost CPU lcore
2022-12-22 8:26 UTC (2+ messages)
[DTS][PATCH V2 0/4] update existing cases and add new sub-cases to validate port representor action and represented port action
2022-12-22 7:45 UTC (8+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V2 1/4] test_plans/ice_dcf_switch_filter: update existing negative cases to validate represented port action and port representor action
` [DTS][PATCH V2 2/4] test_plans/ice_dcf_switch_filter: update existing TO_VF action cases to cover port representor action from not covered vf original action
` [DTS][PATCH V2 3/4] tests/ice_dcf_switch_filter: "
` [DTS][PATCH V2 4/4] tests/ice_dcf_switch_filter: update existing negative cases to validate represented port action and port representor action
[dts][PATCH V4 1/2] test_plans/loopback_virtio_user_server_mode_dsa_test_plan: modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-22 7:17 UTC
[dts][PATCH V4 0/2] modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-22 7:16 UTC
[dts][PATCH V3 2/2] tests/loopback_virtio_user_server_mode_dsa: add new testsuite
2022-12-22 6:00 UTC
[dts][PATCH V3 1/2] test_plans/loopback_virtio_user_server_mode_dsa_test_plan: modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-22 5:59 UTC
[dts][PATCH V3 0/2] modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-22 5:59 UTC
[dts][PATCH V3 1/2] test_plans/vm2vm_virtio_user_dsa_test_plan: modify dsa parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-22 5:43 UTC
[dts][PATCH V3 0/2] modify dsa parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-22 5:43 UTC
[dts][PATCH V5 1/2] test_plans/basic_4k_pages_dsa_test_plan: modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-22 5:24 UTC
[dts][PATCH V5 0/2] modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-22 5:24 UTC
[dts][PATCH V6 3/3] tests/vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma: add new testsuite
2022-12-22 3:44 UTC
[dts][PATCH V6 2/3] test_plans/vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma_test_plan: add new testplan
2022-12-22 3:44 UTC
[PATCH V6 1/3] test_plans/index: add vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma_test_plan
2022-12-22 3:43 UTC
[dts][PATCH V6 0/3] add vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma
2022-12-22 3:43 UTC
[dts][PATCH V2 1/2] test_plans/vm2vm_virtio_pmd_dsa_test_plan: modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-22 3:35 UTC
[dts][PATCH V2 0/2] add vm2vm_virtio_pmd_dsa
2022-12-22 3:35 UTC
[dts][PATCH V4 1/2] test_plans/basic_4k_pages_cbdma_test_plan: modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-22 2:29 UTC
[dts][PATCH V4 0/2] modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-22 2:29 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1 01/12] test_plans/vf_offload: dts adaptation DPDk checksum function changes
2022-12-21 9:16 UTC (4+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V1 12/12] tests/tx_preparation: "
[dts][PATCH V1] tests/*: add wait_link_status_up after start testpmd
2022-12-21 6:54 UTC
[DTS][PATCH V1 0/3] add packets count, super-long packets and random payload to the case
2022-12-21 6:14 UTC (4+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V1 1/3] test_plans/vf_offload: fix wrong example packets
` [DTS][PATCH V1 2/3] test_plans/vf_offload: add packets count, super-long packets and random payload to the case
` [DTS][PATCH V1 3/3] tests/vf_offload: implement packets count, super-long packet and random payload
[DTS][PATCH V3 0/4] add vf checksum offload and tso case for tunnel packets
2022-12-21 6:09 UTC (5+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V3 1/4] tests/vf_offload: fix a typo
` [DTS][PATCH V3 2/4] tests/vf_offload: add vf checksum hw offload case for tunneling packets
` [DTS][PATCH V3 3/4] tests/vf_offload: add vf tso "
` [DTS][PATCH V3 4/4] tests/vf_offload: dts adaptation DPDK checksum function changes
[dts][PATCH V2] tests/stats_checks: optimized and add more test points
2022-12-20 2:24 UTC
[dts][PATCH V1] test_plans/virtio_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma_test_plan: fix testcase2&4 issue
2022-12-15 9:14 UTC
[dts][PATCH V5 3/3] tests/vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma: add new testsuite
2022-12-15 8:22 UTC
[dts][PATCH V5 2/3] test_plans/vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma_test_plan: add new testplan
2022-12-15 8:22 UTC
[dts][PATCH V5 1/3] test_plans/index: add vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma_test_plan
2022-12-15 8:22 UTC
[dts][PATCH V5 0/3] add vhost_event_idx_interrupt_cbdma
2022-12-15 8:21 UTC
[dts][PATCH V3 1/2] test_plans/vm2vm_virtio_user_cbdma_test_plan: modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-15 7:54 UTC
[dts][PATCH V3 0/2] modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-15 7:54 UTC
[dts][PATCH V4 1/2] test_plans/loopback_virtio_user_server_mode_cbdma_test_plan: modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-15 6:29 UTC
[dts][PATCH V4 0/2] modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-15 6:29 UTC
[dts][PATCH V3 1/2] test_plans/vm2vm_virtio_net_perf_cbdma_test_plan: modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-15 5:00 UTC
[PATCH V3 0/2] modify dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-15 4:59 UTC
[dts][PATCH V4 1/2] tests/meson_tests: modify meson_tests suite to support test config parameter
2022-12-14 8:42 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V4 2/2] conf/meson_tests: "
[dts][PATCH V3 1/2] test_plans/vm2vm_virtio_pmd_cbdma_test_plan: modify the dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-14 7:31 UTC
[dts][PATCH V3 0/2] modify the dmas parameter by DPDK changed
2022-12-14 7:31 UTC
[PATCH V4 0/3] ice PF enable buffer split
2022-12-14 3:29 UTC (4+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V4 1/3] test_plans/index: add new test plan for ice_buffer_split
` [dts][PATCH V4 2/3] test_plans/ice_buffer_split: ice PF enable buffer split
` [dts][PATCH V4 3/3] tests/ice_buffer_split: "
[DTS][PATCH V1 0/4] update existing cases and add new sub-cases to validate port representor action and represented port action
2022-12-14 2:47 UTC (3+ messages)
` [DTS][PATCH V1 4/4] tests/ice_dcf_switch_filter: update existing negative cases to validate represented port action and port representor action
[PATCH 0/2] added test case for validate instruction
2022-12-13 12:09 UTC (5+ messages)
[dts][PATCH V3 1/2] tests/meson_tests: modify meson_tests suite to support test config parameter
2022-12-13 10:00 UTC (2+ messages)
` [dts][PATCH V3 2/2] conf/meson_tests: "
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